In astrology, a belt around the heavens extending 9° on either side of the ecliptic, the plane of Earth’s orbit and of the Sun’s apparent annual path.”

The sun is, in many religions, what  is known as “God’s Sun” or “God’s Son.” He was known as the savior of life on Earth. In ancient times, kings and queens where viewed as God’s physical representation on Earth. In Ancient Egypt, Osiris was the son of the “Sun God” Ra.

This “savior” that vanquished the darkness is and was so important to all of mankind that our ancient ancestors tracked the path of the sun, or “God’s through a series of stars in the sky. 

This circular path is known as the ecliptic. With this, they created what we call the 12 signs or “houses” of the Zodiac. Each serving an invaluable purpose to all of mankind to which stories are attributed to them.

The Sun spends 2 hours each day in each sign. accounting for the 24 hours in a day. With there being 360 degrees in a circle and 12 signs in the zodiac, it would appear to be that each sign takes up 1/12 or 30° of the ecliptic.

The path of the moon and principle planets is also located within the ecliptic.


♈ Aries (Ram): March 21–April 19

♉ Taurus (Bull): April 20–May 20

♊ Gemini (Twins): May 21–June 21

♋ Cancer (Crab): June 22–July 22

♌ Leo (Lion): July 23–August 22

♍ Virgo (Virgin): August 23–September 22

♎ Libra (Balance): September 23–October 23

♏ Scorpius (Scorpion): October 24–November 21

♐ Sagittarius (Archer): November 22–December 21

♑ Capricornus (Goat): December 22–January 19

♒ Aquarius (Water Bearer): January 20–February 18

♓ Pisces (Fish): February 19–March 20